Work with Me


Dr. B is currently not practicing while she is on maternity leave.

Heal right where you are, no matter where you are.

Connect via secure online video to discuss your goals, answer questions about health conditions or therapies, and review results of independent labs or discuss labs ordered by your doctor. Consultations are always considered adjunctive to care provided by your personal medical team* and are usually jam-packed with information that doesn't fit into a typical 15 minute visit. I give you time because "root cause medicine” is where the disease prevention and healing happens.

I offer a variety of options to get you started. Whether you are only ready to dip your toe in the water or want to jump in full speed ahead, we can create a consultation plan that works just right for you.

Click below to start your journey to optimal health!

*By law, I cannot be your physician unless I've seen you in my office inthe past year, so consultations do not include diagnostic tests, prescriptions, or diagnoses. In this scenario, I won’t be your doctor and you won’t be my patient. We will work as a consultant-client team to create a wellness plan that puts you on the path of progress!

Book Your Consultation

There are currently 3 ways to work with me: single sessions, health partnership packages, and performance medicine consultations. Each program is described below. And as always, this is about your individual needs to achieve optimal health; if you need to discuss an individualized or long-term plan to get you started, contact me.


Initial Consult + Wellness Plan

This is NOT your standard consult… here’s what you will receive:

  • Pre-consult health history form reviewed by Dr. B prior to your scheduled appointment

  • Detailed review of your personal health history, recent labs or diagnoses

  • Determine your individual health goals

  • Discussion of additional labs or educational needs

  • Wellness plan for optimal health

  • Access to high quality supplements via Fullscript and/or Wellevate

We get down to business from the start.

Follow Up Sessions
from $100.00

Available to all clients who have completed an initial consult, follow-up sessions:

  • Evaluate your progress

  • Review any updated or recent labs

  • Discuss any specific health or plan related questions

  • Refine your wellness plan

  • Access to high quality supplements via Fullscript and/or Wellevate

You may select either a 30 minute or 60 minute follow-up single session.



Progress Package (3 months)

Commit to making progress through accountability and monthly updates to your individualized wellness plan. This package includes 3 sessions total:

  • 1 Initial Consult: review of health history, health goals, lab review, wellness plan

  • 2 monthly follow up sessions: progress tracking, lab review, refined wellness plan

  • 20% discount on Wellevate and Fullscript supplements

Commit to 3 months of progress now and save $100.

Optimal Health Package (3 month)

The ultimate package to jumpstart your path to optimal health. This package includes the works to ensure all of your questions are answered and that you are on track with your wellness plan. Included are the following:

  • 1 Initial Consult

  • 2 monthly extended follow up sessions (45 minutes each)

  • 3 monthly check-ins (15 minutes each) by phone or video, per your preference

  • Access to secure messaging through client portal for duration of package

  • Priority scheduling

  • 20% discount on Wellevate and Fullscript supplements

Commit now for optimal health and save over $200.



Contact me to discuss individualized 6 - 12 month package options and monthly payment plans.




Originally designed for dancers, the #prettypowerfulmovement is being expanded to serve all female athletes to address their unique health needs. Women-identified athletes rarely have access to health information that takes female influenced hormones into consideration. Male-centric sports and performance health research and guidelines are not always effective in maintaining powerful performances and long term health in women. Learn more about this movement here: