Introducing Urban Natural Lifestyle

If you follow me on social media, you may know by now that I am undergoing some big changes in life - a cross-continental move, the expansion of our family, and the transition into an entirely virtual practice, just to name a few. What I may not have yet shared is that this move has also inspired me to share my experiences more openly through a new series I’m calling “Urban Natural Lifestyle”.

Yes, I am a trained and licensed naturopathic doctor, but I am also a human who is navigating the ins-and-outs of life just like you. I let my previous work (years of medical school, holding multiple jobs, and a completing a residency) be the utmost priority in my life. It ruled my life, my relationship with my significant other, my food, exercise and lifestyle habits, my ability to engage meaningfully with my community, and my mental health. But I’m looking to change the game… to walk the walk and then to tell you about it!

Our health is directly correlated with the habits we establish and the choices we make each and every day.

With our recent move, my family has the rare chance to “start fresh” and that includes all of the challenges and adventures that come with it. To be honest, life in Portland, OR makes it a whole lot easier to live a fairly healthy lifestyle if you choose to. For the most part, Portland is a small “big city.” There are natural grocery stores and farmers’ markets galore, bike and pedestrian friendly ways of getting around (despite the weather), natural beauty within constant reach, and fairly good air quality if you ignore allergy season. But my partner’s line of work pretty much guarantees that any move we make from here on out will be to a major city with varied resources. Since arriving in Montreal, we’ve already been faced with obstacles in upholding the health habits we had previously established: exorbitant prices for the foods we normally eat, fewer available budget-friendly gyms, and a lack of community to help us navigate our resources.

We always say in naturopathic medicine that LIFESTYLE medicine is the most foundational component of any journey to health. In this series, I’ll be exploring lifestyle as medicine through things like incorporating eco-friendly habits for the home, making healthy food choices on a budget, establishing daily mindset practices, creating a positive and healthy home for our little one, managing my own health and chronic pain in an unfamiliar health care system, and learning how to balance entrepreneurial work with a fulfilling family life. I understand that starting from scratch isn’t always easy, but it is an opportunity to create the life you want.

Starting from scratch isn’t always easy, but it’s an OPPORTUNITY to create the life you want.

I’m ready to get back to “work” with new priorities. Are you ready to dive in and get gritty with me?

Comment below with any questions you have along the way!