I'm Dr. B.
It's nice to
meet you.

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I have the best job in the world…

keeping you healthy so you can take on the world.


About Dr. B

From being a competitive athlete to a curious traveler, years in academia to corporate and association strategy, and from serving in the Peace Corps to dancing in the NBA, my life has been non-stop. I'm a yes-(wo)man who doesn't like barriers. For years I was told that there is no room for nutritional and lifestyle based medicine in our conventional medical model, but I knew deep down that there was something missing in that narrative. Happenstance brought me to naturopathic medicine and I've learned some pretty powerful things about health, healing and sustaining a "high-octane life". Every fiber of my being believes that empowering people to make informed decisions about their own health and care is the most important thing a doctor can do.

Find out more about my virtual practice and medical training.

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.
— Hippocrates